Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Couple of random things

Just wanted to point out a couple of random things. Today's my first day back at work, so I don't have a lot of time to post. Got plenty to say, however, so I'll make sure to fill in the blanks later.
  1. If you haven't yet checked out Monstee's Cave, there's a great entry today about tea, prompted by the picture of my tea shelf. Oh my god, it's too funny. You'll see what I mean. :)
  2. This morning, I was kind of bummed out because Carrie's back home. So I started up Launchcast, hoping some tunes would chill me out. And the first song that played was Queen's "We Are The Champions" -- which commands the title of "our silly song." Anyway, hearing it as the first song when I turned on the radio was like validation of some sort. It was nice.
  3. Carrie guessed the name from my May 7 post ... but she didn't divulge the answer. Just to recap:

    Third: A wee contest. Paul is named after his dad. If we ever have a boy, he'd like him to be Paul the Third. (I sure as heck don't know why ... seems awfully confusing to me.) However, I've had a cool name picked out for years (like since high school). If you can guess what boy's name I'd pick for the-kid-I'm-not-yet-ready-to-have, I'll send you a case of Abita root beer.

    Here are some hints:

  • The first name is five letters and starts with T.
  • The middle name is seven letters and starts with W.
  • According to the Oxygen Babynamer, the first name is Danish and the second name is German. Both have Greek roots.
  • Both are the first names of scientists.
  • New hint: One scientist is involved with NASA.
  • New hint: One name is a character in the Star Wars books -- or so I'm told.
  1. New diagnosis: Rapid-cycling BPD (along with the various anxiety disorders, etc.). Tapering off the Effexor and onto an anti-convulsant/anti-psychotic. Yippee. I think I'm having a strange reaction to the new drug, but I'm going to give it a couple of days to see whether I was overreacting or whether it really is the drug. I'll post more about all this later.
  2. I'm play SQL Goddess at work today ... and tonight I pick up my galleys of the monthly magazine I edit. You know how women who live together often sync up their monthly menstrual cycle? Well, my cycle syncs with proofing the magazine. I kind of feel sorry for the editor, because I'm bitchy every time I pick up my proofs. Oh well.


Blogger Monstee said...

Tycho Wookies?

10:06 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Hey, if you worked in my office, your cycle would sync up with a bi-monthly journal, then you'd REALLY be cranky!

My guess is Trent Skywalker.

(Named after the scientist Skywalker Jones, who discovered Splenda.)

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh god, no way in hell woud i name a kid trent skywalker. Jesus, he would be a laughing stock. Obviously, Paul the third is an AWESOME name, bow before it

6:59 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Wookies are a character from Star Wars, not a scientist :) And Skywalker, doesn't he have the Force or something?

Don't mind me, I just had to.

And hi there, anonymous Paul the Second. Has to be you.

10:14 PM  

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