Thursday, May 26, 2005

Editor buckles under stress. Details at ten.

I hate that I've been too busy to post every day. It's bad enough being mega-busy, but when I don't post, I feel like it's all piling up inside of me with no outlet ... like my mental in-box is overflowing, spilling useless details of my life all over the floor. ::grins::

Matt has a couple of job interviews today (you go, girl!), so most of last night was spent shopping for all the requisite interview clothes -- Rockports and socks and slacks and belt. Jeremy lent him a blazer; Paul lent him a tie; and Johnathan is driving him to the interviews. So nice to have friends I can rely on in a pinch. Oh, and so nice to have a hubby who let's me charge up his credit card with my buddy's new wardrobe!

Tomorrow, we leave town, just Matt and me. Of course, Matt's all about privacy, so nobody other than Paul knows where we're going. The problem is this: Because Matt doesn't know whether he's going to get one of these jobs, he may or may not be coming home with me on Monday. If he doesn't, I have to brave the 7+ hour drive alone -- something I'm not looking forward to doing. I checked out the route in hopes that I could find an AC buddy who'd lend me some couch space for the night, but I've come up empty-handed. Bummer.

If Matt doesn't come home, he'll likely be gone a month. It'll be like old times, just Paul and me -- which is nice. But with Paul working so much, the house is too quiet. It seems to loom all around me when I'm alone there, the ghosts of my childhood rising up to remind me of how far I come and how far I still have to go.

Well, I've got to put one paper to bed and get started on another, because I have a very early deadline tomorrow. I've got to get over to a press conference about some state legislators who have been arrested ... then write/edit/save the world before bedtime. If I have time before I leave town, I'll post again. If not, I'm always reachable by cell phone -- Peace.


Blogger Monstee said...

Am it me or am the merry, merry month of May been slow for all the bloggers in this merry, merry group of bloggers?

You am working two jobs....
Me have been sick...
Lauren am working, moving, ending/starting school...
Smacky am selling/buying house /moving out/in/around...

Let's just hope that next month we all am little more setteled and able to post as much as we want and not so stressed by other crap of life!

:::luck wished to Matt on interviews:::

4:55 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

You know, monstee, you're absolutely right. This month has been sort of a bitch all around. Good riddance to you, May. Quit fucking us around. Here's to June, the kinder, gentler month when we all get settled in!

7:32 AM  

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