Sunday, May 15, 2005

Girl's Day In

It's been a long time since I've had a girls' night out. A looong time, like college. And it doesn't look like I'll be having a girls' night out again any time soon, seeing as how all my local friends are (1.) male, and (2.) not available for hanging out.

So girls' night out has become girl's day in: Just me ... at home ... shootin' the shit. I'm actually looking forward to it.

I've got a stack of videos (Grease, Top Gun, The Breakfast Club, etc.), the phone number for pizza delivery, several bottles of acrylics AND a blank canvas or two, a remote control and an empty tank of gas. Oh, and two cases of hand-selected beer that Matt forfeited when he left town. ::grins:: I hope he's back for my birthday. That'd mean a lot to me.

Speaking of my birthday, I'd like Crumb and The Chase. I know, that's like two ends of a spectrum there. But they both start with C. And they both have five letters. Oh! And they both came out the same year, too! Crumb certainly rattled around my skull for a while. It isn't for everyone, but I find it rather inspiring. And, of course, I'm a Devil Girl kind of gal ... so that doesn't hurt either. ^_^

Okay, off to shower, mix up some paints and crack open a beer. Peace.


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    Letter to My Boss
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    Random Writings from Long Ago (Part I)
    I'll Be Waiting (part II)
    I'll Be Waiting
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