Sunday, May 08, 2005

I'll Be Waiting (part II)

You're home. You're safe. You're walletless.

Thanks, M., for calming me down last night, even after everyone else had left and gone to bed. You had it nailed when you said he was on one beach and I was on another. Let's hope the sea doesn't swallow my world up when I'm not looking.


Anonymous M said...


Any time kido! I think that's what I'm here for.

My beach is being swallowed
But that's just the high tied
I said I wasn't worried
I said that, but I lied
The water's getting deeper
I have to climb the tree
And find a friendly sail boat
and hope they rescue me
I'm sitting in the treetop
My feet are getting wet
They say all tides must go out
But I wont make that bet
The water is so salty
Like teardrops from my eye
A message in a bottle
Is all that floating by
I read the scripted letter
As it floats by my head
By now I'm treading water
"Help Me!" is all it said

4:05 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Wow. I love it. Thank you for that.

10:23 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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    "I dream in color, I live in black and white..."
    "Our existence deforms the universe" (Part 2)
    "Our existence deforms the universe"
    Yet another houseguest ::grins::
    May 7: Free Comic Book Day
    Escape by the seat of his pants
    A letter from Paul's computer
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