Thursday, May 12, 2005

Letter to My Boss

Well, the DMV was already packed at 8:30 a.m. Line out the door and around the corner. Frustrating for sure! I may try to run out to one of the other locations sometime today. I would have gone while I was off work ... but I only get to see my best friend once every two or three years, and the DMV just didn't fit into my plans. ::grins:: I won't leave you hanging -- if I need to come back and finish up queries (or whatever), I will. The main point is to get the damn thing renewed before you guys leave town.

I had a shrink appointment this week. They've added bipolar disorder to my panoply of anxiety disorders. Sigh, sigh. I am doped up on an anti-convulsant/anti-psychotic ... along with my mood regulator and my anxiety pills. Honestly, I feel like I'm losing my grip ... not because of the disorder, but because the meds really mess with my mind. It's bad enough that the shrink asked me if I'd like to be hospitalized. Obviously, I declined. But, seriously, I didn't think I'd end up taking drugs for active psychoses and worrying about whether I was going to end up in a hospital.

I don't want to burden you with all the crappy details of my mental health ... but I think it's in your best interest to know things like this -- med changes and what not. If I start acting weird -- in any way -- call Paul's cell at (xxx) xxx-xxxx. He'll know what to do. I'm having mild hallucinations, which sounds far worse than it is. It's not interfering with work or anything, just being annoying. But I'd hate to freak out and not have somebody here know what's going on. :)

And, hey, one word of advice as a friend, not a coworker: Be careful if your doc wants to start you on one of these drugs that messes with your brain chemistry. They're really not worth the hassle. This started as a mild case of depression in 2001, and now I feel like a totally different person. I hate it! Can't turn back the hands of time, but I can at least serve as a warning. :-P

Hmm ... anything else? I guess not. Let me know what your day holds today and tomorrow, and I'll try to schedule the DMV around that. Chances are I'll drive to the one in Millington ... or maybe the one in Hickory Ridge Mall ... instead of going back to the one on Summer.

And if there's anything else I can do for ya, let me know. I want your pre-Europe days to be as hassle-free as possible. :)


---end transmission---end transmission---
Kate Simone
Copy Editor, The Daily News
Phone:(xxx)xxx-xxxx, Fax: (xxx)xxx-xxxx
"Verbatim et litteratim, veritas vos liberabit."


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