Monday, May 16, 2005

Monday, already?!

::Yawns:: It really can't be Monday morning. I woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. Paul was out like a light, Matt wasn't answering his phone, nobody was on AIM, and #arsclan was dead as a doornail. So I cleaned out my purse, watched the local news, watched the national news, thought about painting my toenails, and finally curled up on the couch under a sheet Matt left there last week.

But waking up early had its advantages. Instead of coming straight to work, I detoured to the grocery store to buy some BF juice for lunch. Then I drove into work the long route, jamming to an old Sheryl Crow CD. Um, I've intimated to Paul that I really fear being taped singing in my car -- like that show on MTV that I can't remember the name of. I mean, I really get into my music. Hey, my eyes are on the road. It's not my fault if the dancing distracts the other drivers! :)

Gah, I wish I had my digital camera at work today. I parked next to a car that was literally held together by duct tape. Too funny. It didn't have any windows, the airbag had been deployed ... and like I said, there was duct tape everywhere. Maybe I can snag a camera from the editorial department after deadline today so I can share it with you guys.

Ooh. Talked to Matt this morning. Yay! Another reason why it was worth getting up early -- I managed to catch his phone call. ^_^

Well, I've got tons of work to do and not much worth saying ... so I'm outties for now. Be good, be safe, don't do anything I wouldn't do. (This coming from the chica who scored way lower on the 1,500-question purity test than she expected -- right around 50%. And that link is not work-safe. In fact, depending on your preferences, it might not be brain-safe. You've been warned.) Peace.


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