Saturday, May 21, 2005

The most amazing backrub ever

Two of my coworkers -- Lance (a reporter) and Stacey (his boss) -- are gone for the next three-ish weeks to Europe. Right now, they're asleep in some fancy hotel in Italy.

Yes, I'm jealous. But I'm even more frustrated, because I'm filling in for Stacey while she's gone. We've hired an amazing temp named Sue to handle my regular job duties, but unfortunately Sue isn't trained to do everything I do. I brought home a huge stack of work-related stuff on Thursday and didn't touch it. I brought home the same stack -- doubled -- on Friday, but I haven't even started going through it.

Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch nearly in tears because of the shear amount of stuff I needed to do this weekend. Matt came over and started rubbing my shoulders. Okay, focus, Kate, I told myself. Unfortunately, my brain is directly attached to my shoulders ... so it tends to shut down at the mere prospect of a backrub.

I put down my bag and let him rub my back. I stopped crying. It felt awesomely awesome, like rub-out-a-week's-worth-of-stress awesome. I put down my big stack of work papers ... and haven't touched them since.

So why am I telling you all this? Well, because I really want another backrub, dammit, and Matt's downstairs reading a book. I'm trying to find a way to coerce him into giving me another one. If that fails, I guess I'll just have to ask. But that's so ... uncreative. ::grins::

As long as I'm posting, I should tell you that I beat his pants off at Monopoly tonight. Well, that's not entirely true. His pants stayed on, but only barely, because they're 10 sizes too big and he broke all the belt loops when he went to Florida.

Hmmmm ... of course! I'll go sew his belt loops back on, and he'll have to give me a backrub. Well ... at least it's worth a try! I'll let you know if it works. ^_^ Peace.


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