Sunday, May 08, 2005

Random Writings from Long Ago (Part I)

Found a huge stash of stuff Mom saved from ... forever ago. Thought I'd share some things. Mistakes are sic. God, this is like awesome. Maybe high school wasn't as bad as I remember it being. ^_^

Christmas note -- postmarked Dec. 28, 1991
Hi!! How are you? I mis you soooooo much! I have another best friend, Allison, but you are my #1 best friend. I was thinking that maybe you could come down here but that is a definate MAYBE!
I also have a boyfriend. His name is Jayant Taleraja (Indian). I play basketball, the piano, and the flute. Well, I miss you! I'll write later. Love, Kendall (phone number here)
P.S. I'll send you a picture later.

Undated -- circa 1995
Dear Kate,
Hi! What's up. Well I'm at home. I don't have anything to do. Have you finished your poster yet? In math Bennett said that he had to finish his. I did mine this weekend. Are you going to the Band contest this weekend? I hope I can go. Are you going to dress up for homecomming? I really don't want to. do you? Well I'm running out of room. Bye. -Milk-

Stuck in the December 1997 section of my daily planner:
what happens when I can't cry anymore? i am so cold... so cold i cannot feel. and i am worried. frightened. and those tears are locked behind the same barrier that keeps the lump in my throat and the knots in my stomach. my hands tremble non-stop... my heart skips and pounds in fear. my head is spinning and everything in my eyes grows dim. i am scared. and still young. i try to sort through my thoughts but i fail. i cannot eat. or sleep. i do not consider rationale or cynicism. i just feel a cold dull pain in a heaving pounding chest that reminds me of my fear. and i still cannot cry. DUH SILLY ... IT'S BECAUSE YOUR DREAM IS DEAD.

I have no idea to whom this belongs. It's in with my personal items. It's a fold-out folio of 14 pictures of the Great Smoky Mountains with this inscription:
Shaun, Are you having lots of fun? Aren't they the BEST grandparents? We miss you! Wish you could see the otters (maybe they're Beavers)! Nita & Robert miss you, too! I'm bringing you something COOL ... think about a hypodermic needle. :-) Pray we get the perfect agent to list our house! Miss ya! Love, Mommy

Heh. This is a total mindfuck. I love it.

I'll share a couple of other things later.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

gah, this stuff is GOLD!

12:19 AM  
Anonymous Shaun said...

Dear Mommy,

No, I can't say I am having lots of fun. How much fun did you expect me to have shacked up with a couple of old fossils like these? Come on! YOU may think they are the BEST grandparents, but it would be better if they were at least MINE! The old lady passes more gas than a Shell Station and the old man opens his beer bottles on his belt buckle and keeps asking me if I want to play "Fatty Arbuckle", whatever that means. If you miss me so much, why didn't you stop the car and let me get back in? I doubt if they are otters or beavers. They are probably RATS! You are in Tijuana for god's sake! And what's with the pictures of the smoky mountains? It that some sort of pot reference I'm supposed to get? Who the hell are Nita and Robert? How could they possibly miss me? Are you and dad swinging again? If so, PLEASE remember the condoms this time! Don't bring me anything. DON'T BRING ME ANYTHING! Believe it or not, the last thing a growing boy like me wants is a hypo full of smack! Don't risk getting popped at the border again.
I miss you too.
Love, Shaun.
P.S. Stop trying to sell the house! You burned it down last month and you're spending the insurance money right now you stupid junky!

5:49 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

It's like the "Found" website, but it's all about you, which makes it even freakier.

11:17 AM  

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