Tuesday, May 31, 2005

ROAD TRIP (Part 1) Last things first

What a crazy weekend. I'll be posting notes about it today and tomorrow, as I get time. I kept a travelogue to transcribe, so that's forthcoming.

In a nutshell: I drove more than 1,000 miles. I slept less than eight hours total in four days. I ran my car off the road. I was so sick that I rented an $80 hotel room so I'd have a quiet place to puke for six hours (no drinking involved). I gave up my torch for a month. I met up with a friend who got my head on straight without even trying. I am so sore I can hardly move any body part without cringing.

But I'm home. I've learned a lot and I'm still alive. And with that incredibly short update, it's back to work with me. Tons to do. I'll fill in details later.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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