Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sharing a hotdog with Death

Okay, so I'm drinking Matt's Dead Guy Ale and talking to Carrie (ahem ... never stop dreaming, sweetheart).

Anyway, she wanted to see the painting before she went to bed. It's not finished. I mean, it's typical for me to keep going back and adding or changing or whatever. That's why I love acrylics. Not that I paint very often, so it's kind of a moot point.

Um, it's Death. With my tattoo-to-be at the top. (Hey, say tattoo-to-be five times fast ::grins::) Hmm ... and she's playing a piano, although you can't really tell that unless you, too, play a piano, because that's like the typical piano posture. Consider her my muse.

So, I get a little nervous about posting anything here that might meet with disapproval. I don't know why. I'm trying to get over it. But, yeah. I don't paint much. Just needed an outlet today. So please don't tell me it sucks. ::grins::

Now, back to my beer. Oh, and an Abita after that. Peace.


Blogger smacky said...

Wow Kate, that's really good! I have the trade of Death, I forget the name, maybe The High Cost of Loving? It has different interpretations of Death by different artists, and yours would compare to any of theirs. Nice.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Heh. You're sweet.

It's The High Cost of Living and it's great ... except for that part at the end about avoiding AIDS. It seems so out of place, like that Robot Chicken piece about Optimus Prime getting prostate cancer.

Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?

10:37 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Right, right. The High Cost of LOVING was an album title by the Style Council. Too clever for their own good.

I've tivoed Robot Chicken twice, and I've heard of the Optimus Prime sketch, but haven't seen it yet.

I'll let you know if we still have furniture when I get home!

12:14 PM  

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