Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Spin Around

Okay, the post title is a pun ... Spin Around because I have a bad case of the spins (a.k.a. brain shocks) from the drug changes. But I'm down to 150mg Effexor ... and I've been on the Lamictal for a week without a rash (and without doing the hypoallergenic thing suggested at Crazy Meds) ... so I'm pretty proud of myself. Well, except I can't keep down food. But, hey, it's a small sacrifice.

If you've never done the discontinuation thing, you have no idea what it's like. This is the fourth time I've been through it, so it feels like old hat. Effexor is by far the worst discontinuation I've been through. Celexa was the best, but I wasn't on it very long. The Zoloft was very similar to the Effexor, but with fewer physical symptoms -- but the same ol' night terrors, the racing thoughts, the lack of concentration, etc.

In an ironic twist, I overbooked myself tonight. Kind of funny for a girl who rarely leaves the house. But I was feeling pretty damn confident last night, so I IM'd a high school friend I haven't seen since my wedding. She was surprised (perhaps because I cut contact with almost everyone I knew for three years?) ... but agreed to meet me for dinner tonight.

Then I found out Matt was going to be Greyhounding in (yes, I did just create a verb form for riding a Greyhound!) around the same time as my dinner. Oops! And -- being the genius I am -- I forgot to get a phone number for my dinner date, so I can't cancel. So, Matt's coming in later and I'm going to try not to have an anxiety attack about the whole thing. ::grins::

I'm glad he's coming home. ^_^ Except this isn't home, I guess. But I don't know what else to call it. Point is, I'm glad he's coming back.

Two days 'til the big 2-5. And I don't even get to celebrate because my boss leaves town that day and I take over her job for the next three weeks. Of course I love the added responsibility, but I hate not being able to shoot the shit on my birthday. And to top it off, Paul's working 14- to 16-hour days, seven days a week, for the next couple of weeks. He promised we'd celebrate when that's all over. Maybe we'll go bowling so I can prove my prowess to both the men in my house. ^_^

More later ... I've gotta get out the door right now.


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