Monday, May 23, 2005

Weekend shenanigans

Urgh. Monday morning. Breakfast is leftover lettuce wraps from Chili's and a liter of raspberry iced tea. Actually, right now I'm taking a 15-minute "me-break" from work, because my head's on fire and I'm waiting for the Excedrin Migraine and naproxen to kick in.

Before I go any further, I should give a Happy Birthday shout-out to my dear hubby, who's very overworked and stressed out. We're waiting until work dies down to celebrate. Hopefully we won't be waiting forever. :)

So why the soggy lettuce wraps for breakfast? Because Matt got wasted last night before we even made it to Chili's, and I was determined to get some food in him to try to counteract the alcohol a bit. It didn't work. Instead, he threw chicken on me, spilled ginger soy sauce all over the table, spit corn kernals at other tables, growled menacingly at anyone who got too close, and tried to give me the finger with his toes ... which meant he put his dirty feet dangerously close to our food. ::sigh:: So, I packed up the lettuce wraps (except the parts he threw at me) and brought them home.

We had the same conversations we always have when he's drunk: (1.) "How close can I stand to Paul before he gets weirded out?" (2.) "We are all just points of existence (blah blah blah) ..." and (3.) "Do you want to fight?" Except last night he actually punched me. Hard, in the neck, when I wasn't paying attention. It really hurt then, and it's still sore this morning. Of course, he remembers none of this, and apologized to Paul and me this morning. And, as always, I forgive him ... but my neck's killing me.

Sunday afternoon -- since Dear Hubby was stuck in the lab -- I drove Matt out to Old Poplar for a little R&R. I regret that I wasn't able to get my hands on one of these for the trip, because there's no way I'm hiking 165 acres on foot, especially since the new cows out there are very very friendly and make me a little nervous.

It was nice to get out of the city for a little while. The honeysuckle is blooming like crazy once you hit Williston and Somerville, and it smells amazing (read: It covers up the smell of the cow shit). Everything's in bloom -- rose bushes, tulip poplars, and tons of those little flowers you can put on salads. Oh, and the crabapples are coming along nicely, which means I should have a great batch of crabapple jam once harvest rolls around. ^_^

I'd forgotten how much I dig the place, so I'm going to make a point to go out there more often. And next time I'm going to take my acrylics ... and my sketch book ... and my poetry notebook. Oh, and my camera! I really missed having my camera yesterday, because we saw the funniest thing driving in. It went something like this:

Me: (slowing down the Vue) "Look at all the baby cows! They're so cute!"
Matt: "Mmhmm..."
Me: "And look at that one over there, nursing on its mo--" (stopping the car abruptly) "Uh, Matt, does that cow have horns?"
Matt: "Holy shit."

Yeah, umm, this "cow" had something hanging ... and it wasn't udders. Too frickin funny. Anyway, my break is over ... time to get back to work. Peace. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who ever said cows can't be gay?

4:17 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I'll bet the one cow was just trying to find out how close he could get to the other one before he got weirded out...

5:09 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I don't even want to know. Although I'm sure I already do.

5:01 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...


9:36 PM  

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