Friday, June 24, 2005

Documentation and YOU!

Dear folks with brand new domains --

I have documentation for you. Four pages. (Would've been five, but I cut back the font size a bit!) Since Monstee's cave is already moved over to his new domain, I wanted him to proofread the documents before I sent them to you ... but he seems more interested in eating my red pens than editing with them.

I don't know what e-mail addresses you want to use for contact purposes -- and I need those anyway, in case something borks on the site. So drop a line to kate(at)katesink(dot)com with a subject line like, "YO, BEEOTCH! IT'S (your-name-here)." If I don't realize the e-mail's from you. I'm likely to delete it. So leave no doubt in my mind of who you are.

Okay. I am not terribly coherent at 7 a.m., so I'm off to grab some caffeine and attempt to get ready for work. Peace!


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    Master of your own domain
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