Friday, June 24, 2005

A few random things

I've got a long query running in the background, so I have like 3 minutes to say what's on my mind. So here goes:
  1. I heard from Matt today. Yay! He's coming back. Yay! And it looks like the glasswork is going to really take off. But please send thoughts (or prayers or reiki or bright blessings) his way ... he's got some caretaker-type work to do before he comes home. As most of you know, that's not easy, so he's going to need all the long-distance lovin' you guys can send.
  2. My brother-in-law, Matthew, doesn't read my blog. And that's fine, because I usually give him a pretty hard time to his face and he doesn't need to know any differently. ^_^ But, at least behind his back, I want to say what an awesome guy he is. He's smart and funny, very understanding, super caring, lets me play video games with him, and almost always accompanies me on my little road-trip excursions. And now that Paul's out of town, Matthew's taking good care of me. If I had a brother, I'd want him to be just like Matthew ... almost. :-P
  3. And now for an example of providence kicking me in the face: Yesterday, Jeremy quit his job, so he and I made plans to go out and celebrate. Paul was all like, "You two go have fun!" ... but Jeremy's wife (who was supposed to be at work) wasn't terribly happy that he was out with me instead of her. So we skipped the alcohol, picked her up and went to Houston's for dinner. At no point did alcohol touch my lips last night. So why did I spend 20 minutes hugging the toilet this morning? Let's hope it's not "morning sickness." My birth control has a 5+% failure rate according to my OB/GYN.
Okay my 3 minutes is up (actually, it took 5). I'm back to work, but I'll post sometime later tonight when I get a little time. Smacky, your documentation's on the way. Peace and love, guyzos.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

5+%???? Is that like...five percent and maybe a little more than that...?

and FYI, I am not a "guyzo." Through and through grilzo!!!

3:39 PM  
Blogger FF said...

Um. You know that there are those BC things that are 99.7% effective?

7:47 PM  
Anonymous M said...

My ex had a birth control that was 100% effective.

Let me see, it was called, um, oh, it was....

Oh yeah, it was called abstinence.
I don't know if she got addicted to it or what, but man, she was devoted! She swore by that stuff.


5:10 AM  

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