Thursday, June 16, 2005

Find me a purse ... Win a prize!

I'm a gadget freak. There, I said it. (Insert polite AA applause here.) This has not been a problem until recently -- in the last two months, I've aquired both a hiptop and an iPod Photo.

"I need a place to stick these things," I mused to Paul the other night. He looked at me dumbly and responded, "Like, maybe, your purse?" Okay, no. That's not what I mean. My "purse" is a 17"x12"x6" black embroidered Daily News satchel capable of holding an old-school laptop. It lacks the pockets I need to store chargers, cables, headphones, etc. (But it makes a nice man-bag!)

So I took my search online. I hit up Old Navy, Macy's and eBags. When I hit a dead end, I searched Google and eBay. And I even found a Dior bag that would do the trick, but it's slightly out of my price range ($2,800.00). Sigh.

I've failed, so now I'm putting the task to you. Here's what I'm looking for:
  • A reasonably priced (use your judgment on price) purse/handbag/laptop satchel/whatever
  • Has pockets for my iPod, hiptop, Palm Pilot, GBA and digital camera
  • Has zippered sections or pockets for chargers, headphones, cables, etc.
  • Can handle a decent amount of weight without breakage
  • Will also hold my makeup, teddy bear, bottled water, magazines, sheet music, hat, mirror and meds (~10 bottles)
  • Bonus points if it's at least somewhat stylish
  • I'll even consider a custom sewing job as long as it's not terribly expensive and meets the above requirements.
Now, if I were you, I'd be saying, "Dude, Kate, that's like a monumentally impossible task. Give me one good reason to help you out."

Hmm, well, since you're gonna play hardball like that, how about this: You find me a bag that fits the bill, and I'll send you an autographed copy of my anthology, an autographed copy of the bestseller The Next Big Thing, a package of limited edition Memphis-only Elvis notecards (authenticated by EPE), and a half-pound of super-fine imported Belgian chocolate ... all tucked inside my old Daily News bag (which is really l33t in its own right). Now that's hardcore.

I'm serious about this. I need pockets, and fast -- before my iPod headphones find themselves once again tangled up in my hairbrush. Please help?


Blogger FF said...

Have you ever thought about LandsEnd? I know.. very it is quite suburban, but their stuff holds up well to wear.

Try these on for size:,,1_2_1943_47580_120255_98702_5:view=-1,00.html?CM_MERCH=PAGE_47578&sid=6100128098489149970

Slightly smaller....,,1_2_1943_47580_120255_98702_5:view=-1,00.html?CM_MERCH=PAGE_47578&sid=6100128098489149970

1:17 AM  

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