Thursday, June 09, 2005

For 81 cents a day ...

Kate's Top 5 Online Subscriptions (in no particular order):
1. Something Awful forums -- Utter asininity. Quick-witted and often sarcastic forums covering everything from pets to Photoshop and guns to goons. Throw in a hefty dose of anime, porn and GBS (general bullshit), and you've got SA. (Cost: $9.95 one-time fee, or less than 1 cent a day.)

2. TotalFark -- The big sister of, TF is user-submitted linkage categorized by time and type. While Fark posts 40-50 links a day, TF posts 1,200-1,500. This is my lunch break nirvana -- there's enough weird news and funny Photoshop contests here to keep my brain from dwelling on work. (Cost: $50/year, or 13.7 cents a day.)

3. LAUNCHcast Radio -- Yes, LC offers a free radio service to all Yahoo! members. So why would you want to plunk down money for it? Well, one good reason is that it allows you unlimited song skippage instead of a certain number of skips per month. Also, it eliminates advertisements. And it unlocks 80-100 members-only stations. My favorites are 10 Years Ago: Hits of '95 and Modern Broadway, but at work, I usually listen to Chill Out, New Age or Martini Lounge. ($35.99/year, or 9.9 cents a day.)

4. City of Heroes -- Okay, so I've started playing Guild Wars too, but CoH is my first love. Create your own superhero, choose your powers, and team up with friends to fight bad guys. The graphics are great, the storyline is absolutely incredible ... and the free comic book doesn't hurt either. It's held my attention for nearly a year, and that's a record. (Cost: $14.95/month, or 49.8 cents a day.)

5. -- I subscribe to 80 comics, which are e-mailed to me in one nice (and surprisingly small) HTML file daily. also has a searchable extended archive, with the option of e-mailing the comics to a friend. Want to find all the Dilberts from 1999 that deal with love? Not a problem. And you also get access to editorial cartoons, newspaper columns and (as of this month) an online crossword puzzle. (Cost $24.95/year, or 6.8 cents a day.)

That adds up to 81 cents a day ... which is surprisingly little to provide me with as much entertainment as I get from these links. Anybody know of any good Web subscriptions I left off the list?


Blogger smacky said...

Do you wear your Members Only jacket while you listen to your members-only radio stations, you elitist?

hee hee...

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
My homepage | Please visit

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work! |

2:32 PM  

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