Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Happy Birthday, Carrie! (plus some other stuff)

Today is my best friend's birthday. There aren't adequate words to express how much I love this chica. She's endured my crushes on obnoxious boys without getting preachy. She's put up with me spewing repeatedly on cross-country bus trips without getting grossed out. And she's even thrown shoes at my friends when they deserve to have shoes thrown at them. ::grins::

Carrie, you may be far away, but pieces of you are always here with me in Memphis. Happy birthday, dear. May it be a good one.

Now on to something completely different...

I'm feeling a little lonely these days, with Carrie back home (for another year), Matt gone (and won't return my calls), Jeremy going (maybe?) and Paul working all the time (which makes him distant and moody). Even Matthew is too busy to hang out. I'm throwing a pity party, and this is my theme music.

Stacey and Lance come back from Europe tomorrow, and I'm kind of sad about the whole thing. Not sad about them coming back, but sad that I'll be giving up the extra work around the office. I've thrown myself into Lioness Mode the past few weeks. I've worked late every night, given up eating breakfast and lunch and savored the burn in the pit of my stomach from the extra stress. Why? Because it's like the old days, and I missed it. Stress with a purpose. I like doing things all the way, pushing my limits. And I guess I kind of like other people looking out for me when I don't look out for myself. That's hardcore.

Have I mentioned I'd like to run off to Canada? Either Toronto or Vancouver. Just six months or so ... long enough to savor the change of pace. I'd freelance out my mad writing and editing skills for rent money. And if things got bad, I've got friends in both cities who would help me out. I'd drink lots of maple tea and shop at Daiso (in Vancouver) or the farmer's market (in Toronto). I'd savor the cold weather, watch lots of hockey, write prose and music (no, I don't share it with anyone), maybe figure out a few things about myself. Hell, it'd never happen, but it's fun to plan -- err, I mean dream about. ^_^

Peace and love, guys. Oh, and hey ... good luck Smacky. (Hope your "boss" [tonight] is a real slavedriver.)


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

*sniffles* Thanks so much for the birtday wishes, girl. I can't wait for next year to come. And any time you need me to throw shoes at other friends, let me know. I'm working on my long distance shot... :) ;)

9:00 PM  

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