Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hello, random Belgian person!

Monstee complains about lurkers. Maybe I should too.

I'm trying really hard to avoid posting site stats all the time, but I'm just really proud. I kinda feel like Miss America. ::grins:: Why? Because I don't link to the blog from the front page of Kate's Ink, so people are finding me other ways.

In June, Kate's Ink had 6,970 unique visits loading 16,646 pages and 28,117 hits. And that doesn't count bot traffic or visitors who pulled 404s. If you count all the traffic, I've loaded 26,124 pages and 38,503 hits. June's traffic is double that in May; May's traffic is double that in March. At this rate, I'm going to have to bump up my hosting package, and I'm not even bitter.

Random factoids about my visitors:
  • I get the most traffic (by a slight margin) on Monday.
  • Highest hours of traffic (also by a slight margin) are 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.
  • I have a lot of readers from Mexico ...
    • 37.4% of my readers are from the United States.
    • 33.1% are from Mexico.
    • 3.7% are from the E.U. ... 3.6% are from South Korea
    • 22.2% are from somewhere else!!!
  • There's one person in Belgium who hits the site almost every day ... so Hi Random Person From Belgium! ::waves:: I'm Kate! Who are you?
  • I get a helluva lot of referrals from Monstee's site. Thanks, Big Blue! ^_^
  • 80% of users are on PCs and 9% on Macs.
  • 32.2% of you use Firefox. 1% use Netscape. TAKE THAT, NUTSCRAPE.
  • 1.2% of you browse me from Lotus Notes. O_o Um, okay, sure.
  • Three people got here by Googling the phrase psychiatrist in Kentucky. His name is Tyler Jones. He rocks donkey butt, and he's a gamer-boy. Look him up.
  • Other interesting search phrases that got people here (there were 202 ... these are just my three favorites):
    • "Eating expired pasta"
    • "What does it mean if a girl punches you a lot?"
    • "Hideous sandwich"
Okay, so I don't recall talking about hideous sandwiches, although I did eat expired pasta while Paul was out of town and I didn't die. Your mileage may vary. If you die, send me an e-mail so I can warn others.

Anyway, if I could do a cartwheel, I would. You guys rock. According to my statsbot, more of you have added me to your favorites list than I even thought read KI. And to the RSS crew: Hope I'm as good at aggregating as I am at aggravating. :)

Love and peace, boys and girls. <3


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

The way you are talking about Netscape reminds me of Don online. LOL

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Geert said...

Ello Kate!

Me am called Geert Blanston! Me am from Belgium! Me find you site when me was googeling for answer to what it mean if girl punches you lots for eating hideous sandwich of expired pasta...

MMmmmmMMMmmmhideous sandwich of expired pasta

NO! Me am not Monstee!!! Me am Geert Blanston from Belgim and me like you blog very much. Am it true that you am Lauren am going to make out and let Monstee Video tape it? Me am sure he be very descreate when it come to making copies, so you no have to worry about that. Well me got to get back to what it am we do in Belgim! Like making coffee and keeping Luxembourg at bay.

Keep up good work!

11:31 PM  

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