Sunday, June 19, 2005

Master of your own domain (part deux)

Okay, the sites are active. I've put a (really lame) holder page up for the index. Hey, look, it was funny to me. That's what matters. ::grins::

I need each of you to grab me at some point for about 8-10 minutes of instruction on how to use your control panel, check your e-mail, ftp in files, etc. I'd prefer to talk to more than one of you at a time, seeing as how I'm not too fond of repeating myself. Easiest way to reach me is via AIM after 5 p.m. CDT. For those of you still puttering around on dial-up, I swear I won't tie up your phone line for longer than a few minutes.

::yawns:: And now that I've spent most of the afternoon setting up the hosting packages, creating e-mail addresses and whatnot, I think it's time to order a pizza and crack open the last Singha in the fridge. Bummer that we don't have PE down here, as it was one of the few redeeming qualities about Indy. The closest I've come is Memphis Pizza Cafe. Or maybe Pie in the Sky. Neither delivers, so I'm stuck with a megachain or skipping dinner.

By the way, hyperlinked addresses and e-mail are as follows:
Peace dudes.


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