Saturday, June 11, 2005

More commiseration

Well, I surpassed 4,300 songs on my iPod, at which point I decided to stop uploading and go through boxes. Not the boxes we haven't unpacked since we moved, mind you, but the ones that my parents left behind with all my stuff in it.

Oh boy. What a goldmine. I found lots of pictures and some art ... but the biggest find was a book in which all my friends had a page (or pages) to draw on or decorate as they saw fit. It's full of all these crazy inside jokes from 1996 (my sophomore year in high school). Inside jokes that don't even make sense anymore, like the following phrases:
  • Spastic cheese and bombastic potatoes
  • Hey monkey, am I a mountain or a hill?
  • Hairy nacho
  • To pea or not to pea
At one time, those meant something. Okay, they still make me giggle, but mostly because they're so darn absurd.

Also, I broke out the scanner so I could share some visual aids from days when I was a bit crazier than now ...
  • Random musings from 1994
  • Carrie's "artwork" (love the note at the top)
  • Jeremy and Len showing off his cake decorating skills
  • Paul, Len, me, Jeremy, Rebekah, Andy, MD
Yurp. Happy days. ^_^ Peace and love, guyzos.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Wow, so your best memory of me results in "I am NOT boring!"? That's always good to know... :) ;) :P

And now you all know why I went into music therapy and special education instead of the visual arts, heh.

And I still zap people.

9:45 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    For 81 cents a day ...
    Thursday morning buzz
    The brain in my iPod
    Happy Birthday, Carrie! (plus some other stuff)
    Musical chairs
    Puzzle Donkey
    Saturday night, and you're still hangin' around......
    Cravings -- AMENDED
    Several comments, two poems