Saturday, June 11, 2005

More pictures ^_^

::Grins:: I had so much fun going through pictures last night that I thought I'd share a few more today. Don't worry, I don't plan on making a habit of showing off my friends -- I'm not like one of those grandmas who pulls out a walletful of photos and spends 45 minutes talking about her nephew's last colonoscopy.

But most of my (local) readers know each other in real life, so without further ado ...
  • My little bro-in-law, Matthew
  • My favorite columnist
  • Frank, Daniel, Billy and Carlos playing Risk
  • Mom and me with my cat
  • And Dad and me
  • Paul as a kid (Wasn't he cute?)
  • Paul and Matthew playing in the rain
  • And I'm only including this because I can't figure out whose butt I'm checking out LOL


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that first picture is of him after like 4 days of no sleep. it was pretty lol

5:51 PM  

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    Saturday night, and you're still hangin' around......
    Cravings -- AMENDED
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