Monday, June 06, 2005

Musical chairs

When Matt and I were on the road Memorial Day weekend, he mentioned that he and I have very different musical tastes. It was something that he'd mentioned before, and yet I still had to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well, what do you like to listen to?" I asked him.

"You know, old stuff. The Beatles. Stuff from the Sixties. Things like that," he replied. Of course, this confounded me even more, because I have CDs of The Beatles. Several of them, in fact. And other old stuff, too. And, I told him, I could get different old stuff if he wanted -- he just had to tell me which artists he liked. This, of course, presented a problem. He couldn't remember which artists he liked. Sigh.

I have come to the conclusion that Matt thinks we have very different musical tastes because (a.) he hasn't seen the extent of my music collection, or (b.) I like very eclectic things, so it's not that I don't like what he does, but that he likes much less than I do.

I didn't realize how eclectic my tastes were until I started adding music to my iPod. I uploaded my MP3 selection and started ripping CDs (which I'm still doing several days later). Right now, my count is somewhere near 3,500 songs -- with about three dozen CDs to go.

Despite Paul's protests, I like to keep the iPod on shuffle when I'm in the car. And that's when it gets really funky. During my morning commute, it shuffled through Billy Joel, Jessie Mae Hemphill (blues), some ambient rock, Ani DiFranco, Bob Marley, some hardcore Japanese trance, Green Day, a gospel song, System of a Down and Ben Folds. They Might Be Giants' "I Palindrome I" was playing when I pulled into the parking lot. So, yeah, pretty eclectic. But I'm really bad about the shuffle feature, because if I'm not in the mood for a certain song, I skip it. While driving. Bad Kate.

Well, I think I'm going to run off and nap. It's been a helluva day and I don't really feel like talking about the important work-type and life-type stuff going on right now. :) Peace and love, guys.


Blogger smacky said...

I started a response about your post here, but it got so long I turned it into a post on my blog. Sorry! Thanks for the inspiration though!

8:18 AM  

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