Monday, June 13, 2005

The Playlist

Okay, so I haven't yet shipped out Carrie's birthday gift. >_<

This is because I'm missing a vital component of what I'm sending. But I still feel guilty -- I went to great lengths to pick up part of the gift so I'd have it by a certain date. In fact, I had Paul meet this dude "under the guard tower in the Southern Ave. parking lot at 1 p.m. to make the exchange" (his words). Doesn't that sound exciting?! ::grins::

Anyway, last night, we were talking about some songs she'd heard when she was in Memphis. I offered to burn a CD with those songs, plus a few others I thought she needed to hear. I added the playlist to my iPod, and I'm actually listening to "Carrie's Mix" right now.

OH! Time to break out a whole folder of embarrassing Carrie photos! Feel the love!

Now that that's out of the way, I can get on to sharing my playlist with you. Came out to 78 minutes -- so it fit perfectly on an 80-minute CD. Here are the songs ... in order, hotlinked to lyrics.
  1. Can't Cry Hard Enough (cover), Susan Ashton
  2. Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Green Day
  3. Homeward Bound, Simon & Garfunkel
  4. Still Fighting It, Ben Folds
  5. Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen), Baz Luhrmann
  6. Steady On, Point of Grace
  7. I Will Hold On, Moxy Fruvous
  8. Somewhere Down the Road, Barry Manilow
  9. Ironic (karaoke version), Alanis Morissette
  10. Lisa Listen, Lisa Loeb
  11. Carrie, Europe
  12. Three Little Pigs, Green Jelly
  13. Excuses, Alanis Morissette
  14. Landed, Ben Folds
  15. A Rose is a Rose, Susan Ashton
  16. Breathe (cover), Opportunes
  17. Section 12: Hold Me Now, Polyphonic Spree
  18. Daniel (cover), Tori Amos
So I tried to get all the lyrics from Leo's (since they're generally free of pop-ups), but I had to venture elsewhere on the web for four of the songs. I tried to hit up places without pop-ups, so you should be good to go.

Also, I have a confession to make: I told Carrie I'd give her the playlist in advance so she could veto any of the songs. But I've already burned the disk. Oh well. She'll live.

Peace and love, kids.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Nice playlist. Especially the "Three Little Pigs" *snickers*

3:18 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Your taste in music is AWESOME!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

If me have said this once...
me have said this before....

NO mix am perfect with out at lease one song by


3:26 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

What is it about humans that we have to look at every photo in that folder, even though we don't know the person. Insatiable curiosity, I suppose.

Oh, I had some thoughts about your Chinese restaurant story. I posted in the comments section for that one below. Let me know what you think.

7:42 AM  

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