Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Settling into the closet

Well, I'm finally getting settled into my new closet, err, office. Here's what it looks like:
  • The view from my doorway. Note the extensive phone/'Net equipment on the wall. If I'm angry, I can disconnect everyone from the Internet or change their phone extensions. If I'm unlucky, the fan in the corner will catch a whole mess of cords, thus disconnecting everyone from the Internet and changing their extensions in one fell swoop! ::grins::

  • What's an office without a welcome mat? And my welcome mat comes with a built-in warning: Cross the line, and Cosmo and Wanda will zap you into oblivion. Or turn you into Vicky (ewww).

  • Half of my "smart workspace." Let me tell you guys, ever since they installed this smartie workspace, I've felt my IQ increase exponentially. Or maybe that's just a caffeine rush. Anyway, I've got all the essentials: boombox (and iPod), Paul's pic in a fluffy pink frame, and my own coffee pot. SCORE!

  • This is the view from my doorway. Woo-hoo! Actually, I'm within five feet of the bathroom, the Coke machine (now with free Cokes), and the fridge ... but I'm tucked away from the rest of the office. So the only time I get visitors is when somebody's hungry, thirsty, or has to pee (which is more often than you might imagine).
Actually, I can't complain. I'm really happy with my new closet. I mean, it beats a cubicle by a long shot, I've got way more desk space than I had in my larger office, and it's way quiet back here. Also, the T1 box sits right above my desk, so in theory, I could hook right into the pipe if I so desired. But I'm a good girl. I'd never do that. I just like to dream.

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention that I've got it a lot better than some of the other people who were recently rearranged. I had to giggle this morning when I opened an e-mail from my boss. In part, it read:"Don ... was recently relocated to the shower area in the southeast corner of the second floor." Poor Don. Poor poor Don. He was supposed to move into my old office, but gave it up for a pregnant coworker who can't climb stairs anymore ...

... and now he's been relegated to the shower. ::cringes:: Yeah, when you put it in that context, my closet is pretty darn nice.


Blogger smacky said...

Your office looks like a little nest or a clubhouse. I was going to say it was small, but damn, the shower?!? WTF?!? You scored. Pregnant women. Always wanting special treatment! Bah!

My office is really not a whole lot bigger, and it's just as windowless.

Oh! Does that sign on the women's room door actually say "This restroom is for Ladies only"? I thought you worked in an office with people that had to be literate. Are there exceptions, like when Homer Simpson was hired because of the "leg-up" program?

7:14 AM  

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