Thursday, June 02, 2005

Several comments, two poems

Hey world! Watch your favorite editrix gnash her teeth right before your very eyes! Sorry about the bitchy tone in my earlier post. Besides the whole missing Matt thing, I've got a lot on my mind (namely that I'm playing boss at work ... while dealing with some harsh med issues).

I guess the stress level lately has kept me from posting about all the amazing things going on in my life, like the following:
  • Chris (the upstairs techie dude at work) and I are growing out our hair for Locks of Love. I'm about 2/3 of the way there.
  • Paul bought me a 30-gig iPod photo. I've imported my MP3s and will start on my AACs soon. (10 gigs -- and nothing I want to listen to?)
  • I have received the most amazing birthday gifts from the most amazing friends ever. Period. I love you, but you spoil me too much.
Other random things I should mention:
  • I'd really like to get to a Ben Folds concert this summer. Anywhere. But Dear Hubby is preparing his prospectus and can't get away. So if you're free and want to road trip (or meet me) somewhere, let me know.
  • I need to borrow a four-wheeler. ::grins:: I'm going back to Old Poplar this weekend, and would really like to see the deer up close. Also, I'd like to see the cattle and get over to that place where all the bones are. Yeah. So a four-wheeler. Pronto.
So I figured I'd share a couple of poems while I'm posting. New stuff.

From my kitchen window
I sneak a glance at you --
Torch tucked between your taut thighs,
Cigarette dangling from the corner of your lips.
And your seaweed eyes,
which have snapped me back to reality
with their cool resignation
Now dance with conviction
For the orange-blue muse in the flame.
Thank you for folding me up
And stuffing me in your back pocket
through the years.
Thanks for respecting me -- dissecting me --
Teaching me that roadblocks are
of my own device.
And as I watch you now, unnoticed,
A small smile creasing the corner of your mouth,
I realize your wisdom exceeds your years,
Your understanding transcends this life --
But your cigarette glows the way it always has ...
The ashes stuttering downward as you speak,
Glowing as they pass the flame
Then sputtering into gray dust
by your bare feet.

Thoughts on Winter's End

Winter came and you flew south,
Wrapped your still-tired wings around me
So I could nest in the warm.
And still, I took this all for granted,
the olive branches offered at my doorstep
the sole cooing under the cover of night.
But now the sun brings its spring-green atonement,
Now the world stretches and stutters itself awake,
And my gosling, too, has found his way,
Forced open my wings and left the meadow.
And you, too, must begin your northward journey,
Start building your own nest
from strings of memories
and twigs of time --
But I am not yet ready for Capistrano,
Not until you remind me that once upon a time
I, too, could fly.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    ROAD TRIP (Part 4) Epilogue
    ROAD TRIP (Part 3) Notes from the road 2
    ROAD TRIP (Part 2) Notes from the road 1
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