Thursday, June 09, 2005

Thursday morning buzz

Once upon a time, I was a coffee drinker. In fact, I used to regularly down megamugs of the $1.29 vanilla blend at the now-defunct Espresso Etc. while listening to the musical stylings of Zero Ohms.

Then I gave up the coffee for tisanes (and the occasional tea). Coffee became a "sometimes food." Why? Well, I'd like to say that it's because I'm looking out for my health, but that's a laugh coming from a chica whose motto is "Better Living Through Chemistry." <-- (note updated link)

Well, this morning, I discovered the office is now serving Javarama and Starbucks. Every day. For free. I've already had two cups of each -- and that's a lot, considering we only stock 20-ounce cups in the break room. I am quite buzzed, and my productivity is through the frickin' roof, if I do say so myself.

The free coffee is a consolation prize since I'm relinquishing my office to the ad manager (who is, in turn, relinquishing his office to a subsidiary company that's taking over our second floor). I'm moving from my spacious office into a closet (yes, I'm for real). The upside is that it's much quieter ... and now I can drink my 80 ounces of coffee in peace. ::grins::


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    Puzzle Donkey
    Saturday night, and you're still hangin' around......
    Cravings -- AMENDED
    Several comments, two poems
    ROAD TRIP (Part 4) Epilogue
    ROAD TRIP (Part 3) Notes from the road 2