Sunday, June 26, 2005

Why techies and non-techies don't talk

Saturday, 26 June 2005, 2:17 p.m.
Standing outside Bewitched with my mother...

Mom: "Did you have a relaxing morning?"
Me: "Eh. Not really. I've been coding since I rolled out of bed."
Mom: "Coating? Coating what?"
Me: "Coding, not coating. Um, some Web site stuff. And writing some SQL for work."
Mom: "You're writing a sequel?! To what?"
Me: (... long pause, not quite sure what to say ...)
Mom: (... looks very confused. A sequel? I can see her cogs turning ...)
Me: (abruptly) "Oh look! The theater is cleaned out! Let's go pick out our seats!"

::sighs:: I just ... oh ... never mind.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Hehehe...sounds like your mom and my mom should get together some time soon. While I don't do any website coding or SQL, when I start with the internet jargon I get the frequent, Huh? What as well. Explaining things such as "RPG, MMORPG, AFK, BRB, etc. is NEVER fun...

8:32 AM  

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