Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Yippee! Word from Matt!

Okay, I couldn't wait any longer to post an update.

Here's my conversation with myself this morning: "Okay, Kate. You're not going to call Matt today. In the past 14 days, you've called him at least 14 times, left one voice mail, and sent two e-mails. There are two explanations for this: (1.) You've pissed him off and he's avoiding you; or (2.) He's having so much fun that he's ignoring and/or not charging his phone. So give it a rest. When he's ready to talk, he'll call."

Yep. That's what I told myself. Then, while I was cleaning out my office to move into my closet, I found his number on a Post-It ... so I picked up the phone and dialed it. What can I say? I'm weak like that.

Lo! What is this?! An updated voice mail message? Holy moly!

I was shocked (read: overjoyed!), but that was quickly replaced by irrepressible giggles. Turns out that the dude we'd gone to visit over Memorial Day weekend ran over Matt's phone with his car. ::grins:: Okay, okay ... I'm sorry that Matt's phone was destroyed and that Unnamed Megachain is giving him problems about getting a new one. Still, it's kind of funny that the dude with no home phone was the dumbass responsible for this whole debacle.

This also (sort of) explains why duder didn't call me back when I left a message for him at work. Hey, his loss. I had a gift for him, but I don't send gifts to people who don't return my phone calls.

Matt e-mailed from a computer in Unnamed Megachain ... just something long enough to say that he's okay, things are hectic, and he'd be in touch. Didn't mention whether I should buy glass or the Minor (dude, you're killing me here) ... so I'm in a holding pattern money-wise until I know how much he wants me to buy.

Okay. Happy. Dizzy. Going back to work. ::hugs::


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

And the phone was in the pathway of the car...because...??? :) ;) :P

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you going to get any returns on our investment in the glass and minor for him?

9:08 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Why do this remind me of skit by Monty Python where twit runs over himself with sportscar?

1:03 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Hey, wasn't that the game where the first person to win had to shoot themself in the head?

10:33 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Well, if the suicide pact is true, it sounds like it will be a mass event, since they're helping each other. Are a bunch of people going to quit posting at the same time?

10:40 AM  

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