Sunday, July 31, 2005

Another fire pic

The resolution on the camera isn't that great, and Paul didn't want to get too close in case it exploded. So I had to take the picture far away. I zoomed in with Photoshop -- which makes it really pixelated -- but you can at least make out what's going on in the pic a little easier than the one I put in the moblog.

This was going on in the street, and somebody was directing cars around it. (Was that entirely necessary? I mean, you'd have to be pretty dumb to sit behind a car completely engulfed in flames and say, "Gee! Why won't that guy get a move on?!")

Anyway, somebody was directing traffic, and Paul and I were watching from the Lowe's parking lot. We bought a stand-alone freezer and a leaf blower, thanks for asking. Oh, and some light bulbs too. I was able to grab a couple of photos before the fire department showed up. They had it out pretty quickly, so I guess we timed it just right.

Sorry for the blurry photo, but we had to keep our distance and the SideKick doesn't have a zoom feature. Wish you guys could've been there to see it in person. It was totally pyrorgasmic.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I was starting to wonder if you all needed some of the rain FL is notorious for or something...

4:53 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Nice shot! Me count at least 3 smoke monkeys in there... maybe 4, but me would need to analize pic to be sure.

6:38 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I bet I'd be the person asking why the car on fire wasn't moving.

10:16 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

I like the grainy pixilated look. It has a sense of immediacy.It looks like a frame shot taken from the local news.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy [URL= ]soma[/URL] online

6:31 PM  

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