Monday, July 04, 2005

God wins the SuperSoaker battle

Rain. From Memphis to Jax and back again. Right now it's so bad that
we're pulled over on I-78 twelve miles out of M-town. I just wanted one
frickin' SuperSoaker fight that's been brewing for seven years.

But noooooo. God's gotta go rain on my parade (literally). However, I
killed an hour and a half of my drive home talking to Mattie and FF.
Nice diversions for sure. It's getting late, so I'll update tomorrow
morning. Peace to all you other weary travelers out there. ^_^


Blogger FF said...

Hey now, I dont think that talking to me was a "waste!"

3:55 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

But talking to me might have been, so it's good thing it was you...

6:22 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Bored enough...
    Various and sundry vacation-type things
    Beach antics
    One of the seven bridges
    Sunny state of Florida
    What!? No room at the inn?
    Taking over Birmingham
    Please let me crawl under my desk and die. Please?...
    On the road again, turn the page
    Showin' off the KEKEKE purse