Thursday, July 28, 2005

Happy National (Fill in the Blank) Day!

Thank God my week is winding down. I'm really looking forward to coming home tomorrow night, cracking open a bottle of Abita (provided I stop and buy some on the way home), kicking back and watching cartoons.

In my not-so-humble opinion, Friday is a holiday in and of itself. But if you need a more kosher reason to celebrate, Friday, July 29th is also Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day AND Bratwurst Day AND the French "Pardon of the Birds" Day AND all of the other July 29th holidays listed here!

Of course, I've heard complaints that most holidays are just excuses for greeting card companies, candy makers and other retailers to push their wares at full price. I even buy into that theory a little bit, which is why Paul and I exchange Christmas gifts around New Year's Day, after we've had time to poke through the post-holiday markdowns.

But if you think Corporate America has come up with some pretty lame holidays, check out these links with confirmed bizarre daily, weekly, and monthly celebrations:
I, of course, include the last link because if you missed Finland's wife-carrying championships in early July, you can still make Bosnia-Herzegovina's 450-year-old bridge jumping event July 31.

So I propose a toast...

Here's to today, because it's bratwurst day and cheese sacrifice day and the last day of National Salad Week and almost the last day of National Baked Beans Month. But most of all, here's to today because it's Friday, and that's reason enough for me to celebrate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i sacrifice cheese to my tummy god, is that kosher?

11:29 PM  

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