Friday, July 08, 2005

Here and there (and hair, too)

I made it through Friday. In the words of Team America, "FUCK YEAH!" ::grins:: (If you haven't seen this movie, it's only mildly amusing in its own right and gets most of its humor out of shock value. You know, much like Parker/Stone's other venture, South Park, before it became downright passe.)

I talked to Matt today. Yay! You know, I try to respect his wishes and not talk about where he is, so I'll just say that he's uprooting again but is planning to be my concert-going buddy this summer. I really think he's got his head on straight. I have more faith and confidence in him than I have in myself. He's always impressing me by being ... impressive. Yeah, so I talked to him for like an hour -- maybe two -- today, and have managed to condense it down to three very vague sentences, but that's because I got his back, ok?

Anything else? Oh, yes! As I have mentioned before, a coworker of mine and I are growing our hair out for Locks of Love. Okay, so I can't find a decent picture of him, but what you can kinda sorta (not at all) see from this pic, he has much longer hair than I do. And he's done the Locks of Love thing before. I'm trying for 12" from the nape of my neck, so it hits my chin after it's cut. I've got about three inches to go before I'm ready. In the meantime, let me tell you why I'm glad my hair is not this short anymore:
  • I can hide behind it like a crutch when I'm having a panic attack. Like Turtle in The Westing Game.
  • I can wear all sorts of chopsticks in it!! Except tonight, it's tucked up into a couple of paintbrushes because that's all I could find. But tomorrow I think I'm going to hit up all the local import stores (Jun Lee, Young's, Chou, Dach, and China Town -- where I got my Ba Gua) to see if I can find anything pretty and un-functional.
  • I don't have to straighten it much. Except my bangs, which are actually curlier than when my hair was short because my hair hates my freedom.
  • And because I'm growing it out for Locks, I have a good reason to take mad care of it. I deep condition every day, super-deep three times a week, blow-dry only when necessary, and use a little bit of Origins' A Perfect World to tame it if it gets unruly at work.
  • I have something to tuck into a ball cap! ^_^
I am also glad I am not a blonde anymore. It was about the only fun thing during The Summer From Hell. Well, that and the heavy drugs I got after getting my wisdom teeth out.

That's it. The end. Now it's time for me to pull up some maps to find out where Mattie's headed next. And, as my gamer buds would say: Mopes mad lubbin', bauddy. Kthxbai.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, 4 out of 5 words i havent seen used in a long time

1:00 AM  

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