I'm a metal monkey, short and stout
Tonight, my fortune cookie read: Pray for what you want, but work for what you need. Pretty deep, at least as far as fortune cookies go.
(Okay, children of the '80s, I know you're thinking it, so go ahead and sing along: "Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! By your powers combined ... I am CAPTAIN PLANET!")
Anyway, the whole Chinese element-animal system is rather involved, and most people don't buy into that stuff anyway, so I'm not going to explain it all here. You can read more about it if you're interested.
In the meantime, I thought I'd share the link so everyone could look up their sign, read the description, and see whether it's fairly accurate or totally off base: http://www.tuvy.com/entertainment/chinese_horoscope.htm
Me? I'm a metal monkey. Among the highlights described about me:
- I am "... so strong, so individualistic, and yes, so stubborn..." (true)
- "They have few friends, but great ones." (eh, fairly true)
- "Sometimes a Sense of Mischief can rear its head..." (definitely true)
- "... a life with Monkeys is Stars in Your Eyes, Romantic High Spirit, and Grand Passion indeed." (I'd like it to be true)
- And last but not least, "Duck Soup and Rice are among the keys to good health!!" (no idea if it's true)
P.S. Short site update: As of noon on 7/30, I'd had nearly 9,500 visitors this month, accessing over 19,000 pages and generating nearly 33,000 hits. [EDIT: That's not counting bot traffic, M., because I knew you'd ask.] And my popularity in Belgium seems to be growing, too. I feel special! ^_^
on their merry way to becoming famous (me)
like to strew memorable bits of impishness and practical jokes along the way. (oh yes!)
Lots of fun, they also possess a serious side and influence a good many people throughout their lifetime. (why, no kidding?)
They know how to accomplish the most difficult of tasks with the greatest of enthusiasm, concentration, and ease. (kate will attest to this)
Even so, they can easily get discouraged and confused and MUST do things their way! (hmm, most likely!)
They often become great mathematicians, super chess players, researchers, entrepreneurs or scientists. (wow, would you look at that, im awesome)
And, great mentors! Monkeys have a burning passion for knowledge of every kind and they magically are surrounded by the finer things in life. Life is a big adventure! (oh ho ho, this stuff is SO for real)
Hay guys, i can send you e-autographs now, im going to be an awesome and famous scientist. ^______________^
"put your name here"
Best wishes forever
Awesome and famous anonymous scientist
Wood Dragon
...they can be stubborn, passionate, excitable, honest, and brave, wear purple and walk barefoot in public fountains. (me,me,me,me,me,I am now and I have!!!)
People always admire their individuality and feisty personality. (...I thought so.)
..said to bring the five blessings: harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity.(...well, I don't know about that)
...chivalrous knights and guardian angels of life, generous with their friendship, compassionate, even heroic, in their deeds. (thats a little much...)
Showing great tolerance towards others, they move easily among all social strata and travel extensively, opening their minds to new things. (All people suck, but what cha gonna do?)
Natural curiosity leads Wood Dragons to pursue very interesting career paths. The dichotomy is they are successful human beings but not all that successful in their careers...(Its like they know me.)
Rainy days or sunny, good fortune seems to shine on these money magnets, just like magic. (SINCE WHEN?!?!)
To them, love, relationships, and marriage follow a progressive course, evolving naturally and slowly out of friendship. (...and ending in divorce.)
LOL Anon. scientist. Send me your autograph, now!!!
M...LOL and ::hugs::
And as for my zodiac (Earth Lamb), it is SOOOO not me. I'm still waiting for my damn romance that is like "a magic carpet ride." Whenever I try a romance the potential significant other disappears from the damn carpet. Is that magic or what?!?
I am a metal monkey too, damnit!
"Monkeys have a burning passion for knowledge of every kind and they magically are surrounded by the finer things in life." hahaha.
"They are so strong, so individualistic, and yes, so stubborn, you can talk yourself into the ground trying to convince them to change their mind. " If you have been around me much, you know this is true.
Me am Monstee!
Me am Kookie Monster!
* Me am " ...also strong, also individualistic, and yes, also stubborn..." (YOU WANT FIGHT ABOUT IT?)
* "Everyone in world want to be you friend," (Me know, me am beating them with sticks.)
* "...even famous people think you am charming, dapper, man about town." (Me do have pictures.)
* "...when it come to Romantic crap, you Passion am off charts so much that we can no compare you to anybody else. You am best lover in history of all mankind that ever be!" (Oh, now you make me blush. And me only blush at things that am true.)
* "mmmMMMMmmmmROADKILL!!" (mmmMMMMmmmmRoadkill)
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