Sunday, July 17, 2005

Jenny, Don't Change Your Number

... 867-5309 ... I got it, I got your number on the wall ... ::sings loudly::

So, after like six weeks of listening to Matt's cell phone sing to me, I decided it was time for payback. I mean, the timing was perfect -- I had to call T-Mobile anyway, so while I was busy upgrading my plan, I went on and signed up for T-Mobile's CallerTunes.

"What's that Kate?" you ask. Well, I'll tell you, nosy! It means when you call me, you get to hear a song I picked out especially special for you! This means you, SGG! And M., too! And Paul and Mattie and FF and even my little bro-in-law! And it even plays a special song Tuesday!

So get down to it and call me already! And if you don't have my number, you should IM me and ask, okie dokie?

"But Kate, I don't have a phone!" you tell me. What the heck, buddy? Are you living under a rock?! Well, I can fix that, too. Buy a Papa John's pizza, get a free BlackBerry after rebate. The deal actually isn't that great, but a free BlackBerry is a free BlackBerry. And then you could call me and hear pretty music!

Yeah, so pick up your phone and dial those magic 10 digits. Now. And I'll be nice: I won't pick up for a really long time so you can hear the whole song. ::grins:: Peace, guyzos.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I'd love to hear all the words to the song you picked for me, but my cell phone volume is cranked so high I it's blasting, and I figure calling back repeatedly is GOING to get obnoxious...

11:25 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

What the heck, buddy? Are you living under a rock?!

YES! No. Well, YES...., me living IN a rock.

1:35 AM  
Blogger FF said...

Haha.. can we make song requests?

11:29 AM  

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