Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Mmm Mmm ... Sasquatch burgers

As one of my side gigs, I proof Memphis Downtowner magazine. It's a great job for me, because it's a totally different vibe from my newspaper. And I'm always coming across new places to visit and things to try.

Tonight, I saw an ad for Big Foot Lodge, a new restaurant in Downtown Memphis. The highlight: a four-pound Sasquatch Burger. (You gotta see that picture to believe it.) It boggles the mind. That's 16 McDonald's Quarter Pounders. Sixteen. Gee whiz.

According to this data, 100g of ground beef has 259 calories, 16.3 grams of total fat, and 5.9 grams of saturated fat. So a Sasquatch Burger -- in the meat alone -- has about 4,703 calories, 296 grams of fat, and 107.1 grams of saturated fat.

If you go by the standard 2,000 calorie diet, that burger is 2.4 days' worth of calories, 4.5 days' worth of fat and 5.3 days' worth of saturated fat ... just in the meat. But you saw the picture -- it also included a huge bun, a whole dill pickle and a side of fries. ... And if you eat it in an hour, it's free.

That is gross on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin. But if you're coming to Memphis and want to give it a shot, let me know. I'll be there with a camera and a plastic bag in which you can puke. Promise. Peace and love, guys.


Blogger smacky said...

They don't mention that if you eat it in an hour, you'll also be dead.

It's an interesting backlash to all the "Supersize Me" hype. McDonalds backs off, while a bunch of other restaurants retaliate with their colossal burgers, saying "We're just giving the public what they want."

[From the mind of the conservative]: Everyone knows "Supersize Me" was made by a whiny liberal who can't grasp the concept of personal choices and freedom. He probably wants to take away our guns too.

Could you imagine if "liberals" came out against exercise and eating vegetables? I wonder if the entire bible belt would start jogging and eating tofu to prove a point.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Better watch your back. FF is a member of Young Republicans. She even goes to their meetings.

(Hey, FF, you know I'm just ragging on you. Being an independent has its privileges. ::grins::)

10:51 AM  
Anonymous m said...

Hey Smacky! I happen to live in the middle of the bible belt! I also happen to live in the middle of the heart land...

You know why they call it the heart land?
Because the brains not there!

I don't think if "liberals" came out against exercise and eating vegetables it would effect Bubba and the boys. They would just say "Those damn hippies are gettin smart."

Its sad to say but I think I could eat one of those burgers. I don't think I will ever make it down that way any time soon. I don't like to leave my state and go south very much. I got arrested once for trying to smuggle books into Kentucky. I got off on a technicality. Nobody could "Prove" they were books.

Thank you! I'll be here all week!

1:40 PM  
Blogger FF said...

Hey, I am a conservative first, and a Republican second. I love a good steak like the next person, but just reading Kate's blog made me go puke. I think it is important to live off the land (i.e. eat veggies from your grandparents possible as often as you can get them.) I'm pissed off about the end of the cotton subsidy cause it hurts my pocketbook.

Incidentally, this burger is really a reflection of how Americans love to take everything to excess. Lord, these people need to go visit another continent. We really have it good here, but we need to remember that it is a SIN ;) to live in excess.

5:10 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

That burger is just...gross. Now granted, I might be hungry 99.5% of the time, but I don't even want to think about even ATTEMPTING to eat something like that.

And what in the heck is with the dill pickle on top? what happens if you eat everything BUT the pickle??? Hmmmmm????

10:28 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

P.S. If you think the burger looks bad, go watch "Buck vs. Sasquatch. *gag*

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Andy said...

The burger makes a really good symbol of how our society will waste anything and everything. a meal, a day, a life. How many uneaten furry unexplained myth burgers are trashed? pardon my language, but it is just shitty. All for a gimmick.

So, who's up for meeting me there next time i'm in Memphis. Kate, you and I makes two. Whom else can we count in? We'll carve that bitch up into slivers and chow down. Keep your hands of my fries though, because you might draw back a knub.

1:46 AM  
Blogger De said...

I love hamburgers and could probably play Wimpy in a remake of Popeye, but this is just sick. It reminds me of those idiotic competitive eating contests I caught on the Discovery Channel one afternoon. The majority of contestants in this International Federation of Competitive Eaters (I swear I'm not making this up) are the kind of guys made to buy three seats on your average airline.

The weird thing is, the winners of these contests end up being skinny Asian folks like Sonya Thomas, who was profiled in the Post's Sunday Source section a couple of weeks ago.


10:44 PM  

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