Sunday, July 24, 2005

Morning sickness (not what you think)

"I wake up scared/I wake up strange..." -- What a Good Boy, BNL

Scared and strange? Nah ... I just woke up feeling kind of nauseated. A couple of months ago, I would have blamed the feeling on Effexor discontinuation. Now I blame it on stress and lack of sleep. I actually remember a milder version of this feeling from summer camp as a kid. It's waking up feeling like something's not right and realizing I'm in a bunk bed in a strange place. It's that feeling.

I avoid turning over for fear that I'll get sick on the bed. (Note to self: It was a good idea to put a trash can by the bed in case you throw up. It was a bad idea to put the mesh trash can by the bed because that doesn't do a whole lot of good, now does it?) I dug the SK out of my purse and called Paul. He said he'd be home by 10 a.m.

He's been there 24 hours now. I went up to visit last night, spent a couple of hours finishing up the painting I started Friday (a '70s "Keep On Truckin'" cartoon throwback, complete with a horrificly retro avocado-ish background. I'll scan it at some point...). I left at 2 a.m., went to Walgreens to buy makeup and Pepsi, came home and slept. And he's still running the tail end of a linearity study.

"I recognize this feeling," I told Paul over the phone. "It feels like when I was at (Matt's friend's) house, panicking, not sleeping, worried for no good reason. I think I need some crackers to calm my stomach."

He told me where to find some Saltines. After I got off the phone, I meted out two Lamictal, a Klonopin and a dimenhydrinate. Unfortunately, I haven't had a prescrip for Phenergan for years, and I was denied a prescrip when I was coming off the Effexor, even though I begged for something to keep me from being so sick. I ended up on doxylamine and B6 at Jeremy's suggestion, and I usually take a doxylamine before bedtime. But last night, I was too exhausted. I'm kicking myself for not taking one to help me sleep and fight the nausea. But hey, water under the bridge.

I feel a lot better now that the meds are kicking in and Paul's almost home.

You know, it's funny ... when I first got married, it was really strange sharing a bed with someone. I'd wake up when he rolled over (or stole the sheets or got out of bed for a glass or water). Now it feels strange and lonely to sleep alone. To turn over and be looking at the wall instead of at my hubby.

Guess that's a sign that I'm still comfortably in love. :-)


Blogger Johanna said...

I've got some Phenergen if you need it. Nausea sucks.

3:36 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Sorry you are feeling poopy, but glad you're still feeling very much in love. I'm so glad you've found someone that loves you so much. :) Unfortunately in our world today finding a guy (or a gal) like that is far too difficult. Methinks you got a good catch ;).

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yes, im like the 100 pound trout or something

6:00 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

... Well you're certainly not Moby Dick ... ::grins evilly::

6:08 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

*mind in the gutter*...

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my mind isnt in the gutter, its in the sewer, kthx

10:43 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

We already knew that ;) :P

11:33 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Wait, me am confused....

We already know what? Mind in sewer or that Moby Dick thing?

10:17 AM  

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