Friday, July 01, 2005

On the road again, turn the page

Ack! In a hurry! First of all, I had (and deleted) two test posts yesterday, so sorry for the day off from blogging. Looks like the post-by-e-mail AND the mobile (photo) blogging are both working, which means I can write you guys from the beach! After the water gun fight! ^_^

Also wanted to say that as much as I used to hate the way my mom acted before we left town, that's exactly how I'm acting now. You know, stressed ... as if the whole earth might implode if somebody forgot their toothbrush or didn't pack enough socks.

I need a drink. Badly.


Blogger FF said...

haha. What time are you leaving, again? I am right there with you.

2:04 PM  

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