Saturday, July 02, 2005

One of the seven bridges

Okay, so apparently there are seven bridges and like seven battles
happened between them. This one is prettified at night.

I dunno. There wasn't much to do at The Landing, so we came back to the
hotel. Now, I think I'm gonna go to the Bad Ass Coffee Co. I'll report
back soon. ^_^


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

At least you get coffee. I get to be blue. :( *feels like a washout...literally*

10:20 PM  
Anonymous m said...

Now, I think I'm gonna go to the Bad Ass Coffee Co. I'll report
back soon. ^_^

posted by Kate at 8:56 PM

So.... define soon.

8:44 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Soon= Whenever the hell it is I can get back with you. At least, I think that's it. ;)

10:17 AM  
Anonymous m said...

And what the heck are you doing commenting so much StargazerGirl? Weren't you supposed to be a part of this whole debacle?

12:20 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Is that a question or an accusation?!?

11:54 PM  

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