Friday, July 15, 2005

Sanity break!

4 p.m. lunch break, sanity break ... same thing, right? I'm actually ignoring the salad with ranch sitting on the edge of my desk -- rather precariously balanced, I just noticed. And I'm not even going to move it to a more secure location, because a salad all over the floor would provide a nice -- if temporary -- mental vacation.

It's so bad (audience of The Match Game: "HOW BAD IS IT?") that I walked to the (free) Coke machine and got a caffeine-free Coke. I set it down on my desk and sent an e-mail. Then I walked to the (free) Starbucks in the breakroom and got a nice big cup of what we've labeled 93 Octane. This is because it's made with twice as much Starbucks grounds, which makes it darker and thicker than an espresso. I can say this because I worked at a B&N with a built-in Starbucks, and after a few months as a lead (read: goddess over a quarter of the store), they trained me in All Things Starbucks in case I had to play Barista if someone was sick. Then, soon after I perfected the art of the double shot, I got my newspaper job and turned in my two weeks' notice.

Yeah, so Starbucks and caffeine-free Coke. It's like my dad, who used to eat a Butterfinger with his Diet Coke ... much to the chagrin of my mother.

Back to work -- querying the databases for court trends while listening to Jill Sobule. Introspection with a healthy dose of humor. Right now, it's Claire. A few years I had a Claire, except her name was Lillie Mae. She died in March, 2004. She would have turned 92 two days ago. Eh, a story for another day, I guess.

Now I'm listening to Heroes, which I find amusing because it's true. And, yes, back to the databases, which mock me. They conspire with my cognitive iPod. I'm sure of it.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Jill Souble! My RA last semester used to play that song Angel (I think it was called, it was really pretty "sometimes I wish that I was an angel, a fallen angel who visits your dreams and in those dreams I'd blow you a message...")

6:58 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

It's actually called "Mexican Wrestler" ... and (despite the name) it IS a beautiful song. Lyrics here.

Incidentally, if anybody is interested in hearing a sample of her music, I'll point you to a song. Just let me know.

10:04 PM  

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