Sunday, July 03, 2005

Various and sundry vacation-type things

News flash: I heard Carrie say "Fuck you, asswipe!" on the way home from the beach. This proves to me two things: (1.) She's human, and (2.) I'm a terrible influence. Eh, I won't get into anything really philosophical right here, other than to say all our lives are intertwined ... so when I influence somebody else, they're really getting small pieces of Paul's life, and Matt's, and my coworkers ... and so on.

The rain has been continuous. We pushed back our morning itinerary by an hour, causing Carrie to balk a little because it was obvious rain was coming. And then we had to stop for nice, big morning lattes from Bad Ass Coffee (FYI: Last night we ended up at megacorp Starbucks because we were walking and it was closer.) We finally made it to the beach around 11:15 a.m. By 2:30 p.m., it was pouring down rain. The lifeguards closed up shop and we headed back to the car. The upholstery in Carrie's Ion and my Vue will never be the same. >_<

Now we're waiting for Sara and Jeremy to finish showering, etc., then it's off to St. Augustine. Maybe. By the time we get there, everything will have closed, so I'm not sure it's really worth the effort anymore. ::shrugs::

Well, I'm on the computer in the hotel's business center (notice I said computer, singular). I'm going to delete spam for a few and get out of here so some other miserable geek like myself can eschew the pool, beach and fitness center for a fluorescent tan. I'll explain the Priceline thing after I get home and buy some whipped cream for Monstee. (Incidentally, Mon, Paul said I've made you sound really cool and he'd like to meet you next time we're in that area for a LAN. I snorted and chortled [snortled?] and said I'd let you know.)

Much love and happiness. Be good. And pray that our drive home is slightly less tortuous than our drive here. I'll explain that -- and the Priceline debacle -- when I'm back on home radar. Peace, fluffyheads.

P.S. Almost forgot -- I can't really preview pics from the SK, so I didn't realize they were so ... dim. I bet I've smudged up the lens. I'll take a look before we head out again so that I can blog with decent pics instead of marginally crappy ones.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

First off, WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE?!? KATE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP DURING THAT INCIDENT!!! And secondly, the way people drive around here is enough to make ANYONE curse. Apologies...

12:36 AM  
Anonymous M said...

Like my ex's grandfather use to say...
"People who curse... are just too damn sutpid to think of anything better to say!"

3:47 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

and you have room to talk because...?

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Graysith said...

Hey, a little cursing never hurt anybody....

Lordy knows I do it enough myself.

Hiya, Carrie-via-this-blog!


9:33 PM  

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    Beach antics
    One of the seven bridges
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    What!? No room at the inn?
    Taking over Birmingham
    Please let me crawl under my desk and die. Please?...
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    Showin' off the KEKEKE purse
    Hello, random Belgian person!
    Florida hotel rooms for EVERYBODY!