Tuesday, July 12, 2005

"When you sleep, where do you fingers go?"

I wear a digital Timex Ironman. It is very reliable. So I had to raise an eyebrow when I looked down a few minutes ago to notice it was 2 hours 14 minutes slow. And it said it was Monday.

My first thought was that the battery was borking. Then, almost immediately, thoughts of last night came pouring into my head. Now, I remember a good portion of my dreams -- I think the brain drugs are largely responsible for that. But sometimes, I'll wake up, and a dream will be just ... out ... of ... reach ... like it's right there on the tip of my memory, but I can't access it until I see a person or a place or an object. Then, the whole mess will tumble forth as clear as day.

That said, my watch is proof that I wasn't dreaming. I clearly remember waking up -- it had to be around 3 a.m. -- with the overriding urge to set my watch. "Why does my watch say Tuesday? Tomorrow's Monday! Stupid watch ..." I remember thinking. So I did the most natural thing in such a situation: I set the date back to Monday.

Now, my watch has five buttons and it's not easy to set. (Hold this, push that, use this button to move forward, use that button to move backward.) So I can only surmise that I inadvertantly changed the time in my late-night urge to remedy the date on my watch (which was fine to begin with). In the dark. In the middle of the night. On a Tuesday.

I'd like to blame the sleeping pills or pre-bedtime meditation for my strange watch-setting episode. But I've been doing weird nocturnal things long before I needed pills or practiced meditation. I'll wake up and realize I've taken all my rings off and put them on different fingers. Or they've not made it to my other fingers and they're scattered on the bed. Or I'll wake up and my hair's in a messy ponytail. Or my bracelets are on the other arm. Or I've pulled the pillow out of its pillowcase. Or Paul will wake me up and tell me I'm moaning again. (Get your mind out of the gutter! When I talk in my dreams, it comes out in moans instead of words.)

So now that I've got my watch back to the right day and time, I'm going to finish my sammich and get back to editing 1,100 lines of SQL output. Yay! ::sighs::

Anybody else developed strange nighttime habits? Fortunately, I'm not like a friend of my mother's, who would walk to the fridge and drink dill pickle brine straight out of the jar. But I'd be interested in knowing what others have done (or allegedly done) in their sleep.


Blogger smacky said...

I tend to only remember my dreams when I'm sick. Once I dreamt I was crouched in a dark tunnel, cramming wet leaves into my mouth. I woke up and I was spitting repeatedly onto my pillowcase. Yuck.

Another time I was asleep and the girl I was dating crept into my room and kissed me. Still in my sleep state, I thought she was another girl we knew, a friend of ours. After she kissed me I asked "What are you doing?" As soon as I asked, I woke up and realized what was happening. I covered really quickly. I'm glad I didn't call her by another girl's name!

Two more comments:
(1)You should have something complicated by the bed, like a vcr that needs programming.
(2) Paul will wake me up and tell me I'm moaning again. My mind went directly to the gutter! Whoa, baby! hee hee.

7:58 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Get your mind out of the gutter! Kate fell asleep in my car on the way back from the beach while visiting here in Jax and was doing the moaning thing. I totally thought she was waking up/awake several times when she was not. But then, she also poked me in the shoulder with her elbow while falling limp though too...

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes i want to be like "what was that girl, jimmy fell in the well?" but then my conscience gets the better of me, and i go back to reading a book.

12:06 AM  
Anonymous m said...

OK, I'll get us all back in the gutter! Wanna talk about strange sleep habits? I have a habit of initiating foreplay while asleep. It's not an uncommon sleep disorder. It's called "Sexomania". When I was young I use to sleepwalk. I have always talked, laughed, moaned and cried in my sleep, but the sex thing... Now THAT is better than ANY clock radio alarm I have EVER owned!

12:11 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...


10:58 PM  
Anonymous andy said...

mom said I used to sleep walk. now i just have crazy dreams. My roommate's alarm clock will go off and be louder than a freight train. I'll have a dream that I got up kicked his door in and ripped the alarm's electrical cord out of the socket and destroy the clock. I walk back to bed and then still hear the alarm....then I wakeup with the alarm still going off. My question is: am i dreaming about the alarm before it goes off or am dreaming about it because i hear it? Does a tree falling in the forest make a....who gives a damn! By the way, when my alarm clock goes off i turn it off before it beeps 3 times and my feet hit the floor within 5 or 6 seconds. Weird egh? Maybe not.

1:32 AM  

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