Sunday, July 10, 2005

Where did the weekend go?

Sunday night. I'm listening to random J-Pop. Specifically this song by Puffy AmiYumi. Yes, the band with the cutesy American cartoon on CN. Hey, it's bubblegum jams for the chica who slept on her husband's pillow when he was out of town because she missed him so much. ::grins::

Speaking of music, I want to plug Nashville-based Someday Company. Nice, smooth, clean rock -- not too heavy, not too light. They've got six mp3s available on their site. My favorite song is November. No, Breathing In. ::sighs:: I can't decide. Just grab them all -- the mp3s are free and the music's good. I just like to share. ^_^

Now back to Puzzle Donkey. I took a break for a couple of weeks, so now it's time for Monstee and SGG and I to get back to work. I'm currently on 1:3:8. (Hey, slow and steady wins the race, right?) Not that Monstee is much help ... generally he's slobbering and getting his big blue paws all over everything while mumbling about his Discount Cave of Porn (p.p.).

Hope your weekend was relaxing, because Monday means it's nose to the grindstone, buddy.


Blogger smacky said...

Wow. As I was reading your post, playing on my iPod was (no kidding) Planet Tokyo by Puffy AmiYumi. They rock! I have three of their CDs. Did you know they were just called Puffy, but when they started to release product in America, they had to add their own names to the band name to avoid a lawsuit from Sean Combs? He hasn't even called himself Puffy Combs in years! Is he still P-Diddy (which, c'mon, sounds like a nickname for someone with a know)?

8:20 AM  

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