Monday, August 08, 2005

Beads and baubles

On the left side of my watch dangles an orange-and-white marbled charm, one of the lampwork beads Matt left in Memphis. I set the bead in sterling silver and spent a month debating where to hang it. It's preeeetty, and it reminds me of my torch ... and Matt ... and that Matt's far away with my torch! ::grins::

Last night, when I posted pictures of my anklets, it reminded me of a ritual called the Blessing Way. It's a rather frequent occurrence for the Navajo. Centered around life changes, it's typically performed for expectant mothers, sons leaving during wartime, those moving into a new home, etc.

There are actually a number of rituals associated with the Blessing Way, but my favorite is the bead ritual, in which each person brings to the ceremony a bead or talisman that is special to them or speaks to them in some way. The idea is that the person being blessed walks away with a necklace symbolizing the love and strength of those who care for them. The photo at left is an actual Blessing Way necklace I saw online.

The jewelry I wear symbolizes a lot to me — special people, places, phases of my life. I have a "ruby in the rough" (ruby and zoisite) ring from a little traditional Voodoo shop in New Orleans; a Peruvian blue opal bracelet Paul brought me from Chicago; an Italian charm bracelet with links representing places I've been; and, of course, my wedding ring.

Now I can the "Dude, Where's My Torch?!" charm to the list of those representing a particular moment in time.

Unfortunately, I'm not experiencing a big life change, other than the stress of having my husband go through the doctoral process. I'm not moving, not going to war, and definitely not pregnant. But the idea of all of my friends getting together and creating Blessing Way necklaces for each other really strikes my fancy. Just seems like something that would lift my spirits when things get rough.

I guess I can't solicit my own necklace, huh? Maybe I'll just mail all of you a bead and hope you send me something in return. :)


Blogger smacky said...

I'd send you something cool in return! (email me and we'll swap addresses)

7:51 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

5 bucks, just five bucks.

No really, not that I'm all that creative in the bead/lampwork department, but I at least have knowledge of a few stores around here you didn't get to visit while you were in town that would have something you'd like.

Hmmmm. *mind ponders*

10:48 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Oh yay! So much love!! <3 Well that settles it -- I'm definitely going to run with this. I just need to dig through my bead box and pick one out for each of you. :)

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was going to say something about a big life change, but then i realized it was me

11:15 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

So... am me going be sending out 1 bead/charm/necklassthingy for everyone who am in on this and they send me one... or am we all doing it just for Kate? Me be Happy to send out crap for you all... but me want numbers people!!! How many am me to send out? As me understand this... if me send out to three, me get three back... am that right? Then me make neckless with what me have and focus on three things me get. Me like this idea!! Where am me to send to. Do me have to juggle addresses too, or am Kate going to act as "Hub" and do all mailing together? Me am Monstee! Me need clarity!!!

12:42 AM  

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