Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hear no evil, see no evil ...

1. Hear no evil: Having reached the point of boredom with music on my iPod (I've got enough to last the drive from here to Toronto about 15 times), I decided to turn to Podcasts for my latest diversion.

At Paul's suggestion, I signed up for C2C casts. I think I started listening to C2C during the Summer from Hell, because I was driving home late at night. Art Bell had come out of retirement (for a second time), and he was good company in the middle of the night.

I get some passing amusement from the guests, but it's the callers that really get me going. It's like listening to Chatterbox on crack. (As to that link ... yes Lazlow is a real guy [he's on the left]. With a real radio show ... and a clothing line ... and three video games under his belt ...)

Anyway, I've subscribed to a couple of other Podcasts (Leo Laporte's TWiT and NASA's science@nasa), but I'd love suggestions as to other good (informative, funny, interesting ... but not explicit) Podcasts out there. Ha ha. I said out there. Right after talking about Art Bell. I'm a frickin' comedienne.

2. See no evil... I read this really cool article about a blind video game player who uses audio cues and timing to play games. And apparently, he kicks butt, too.

It got me to thinking about playing video games without being able to see. This kid, Brice Mellen, started with video games like Space Invaders and Asteroid. Admittedly, there's not a lot to look at there.

Now he plays things like Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur. They're a lot more visually stunning, but I guess there's still not a lot of scenery, per se, as long as you can imagine one dude beating up another dude.

I'd be interested to learn whether this guy enjoys playing FPS or RPG games. Just seems like those would be a little more boring (or impossible) without one's sight. Anyway, he wants to study video game design in college. More power to him. I think he's already shown he can beat the odds. Ha ha. I said beat the odds. Right after talking about a blind gamer. I'm a frickin' comedienne ... again.


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