Sunday, August 07, 2005

MAMML lovin'

It's 8 p.m. Sunday night. I'm in the MAMML lab (that's Mobile Analytical Monitoring and Miniturization Lab, for the uninitiated). Last night, Paul and I were here until nearly 1 a.m. Tonight, he tells me it'll be an hour or two more.

I spent all day (well, four hours, and it seemed like damn near all day) making a red velvet cake for Paul and his two cohorts on this report: Mike and the guys' research prof Dr. Emmert. But it turned out really well (guess the planets aligned and the humidity was just right) ... and anyway, the guys seemed to really appreciate the break. I know this report has been hard on them all. Dr. Emmert promised me I'd have my hubby back soon -- I think I'm going to hold him to that. ::grins::

I'm sick of red velvet cakes. They're a real chore to make, and I've done two in four days. Nobody else gets one for a while. And to answer your comment, FF, you don't get one anyway because, as I recall, you are allergic to all things red.

Last night, I bought some fine-gauge hemp, along with some amethyst and a number of art glass focal beads. While Paul was analyzing data, I spent the better part of three hours knotting up an anklet. It took a really long time because the finer the gauge, the more knots it takes. Tonight, I made a spirit bear anklet (since Matt still has my necklace).

At this point in my post, I originally typed, "I like them! Maybe I should take a picture of my ankle!" ^_^ Then I decided why should I just say that?! So behold! My ankle! And, why yes, those are my favorite wide-leg jeans AND my absolutely favorite Nintendo flip-flops (complete with logo tag).

On second glance, that's a really weird picture, but I think it's because I had to hold the camera upside-down in order to get my ankle right-side up ... and it looks kinda weird and distorted. Or then again, it could be the video card on Paul's work computer, which is perpetually on its last leg. It makes staring at this monitor an exercise in inducing migraines. Also, notice the huge bulge where I've fractured my ankle/foot a couple of times and sprained it on more occasions than I can count. And I have an extra bone in there, too! ^_^

Okay, it looks like the MAMML boys are on the way out the door, which is my cue to sign off and get out of here (finally). 'Bout time, too. I'm running out of ideas for jewelry to make, things to paint, and ways to creatively die in World 5 of Super Mario Bros. 3 on my Game Boy Advance. Later, kids. :)


Blogger FF said...

You have a good memory. I am allergic to a lot of red dye, but that usually doesn't stop me. Just like my allergic to all things green doesn't stop me from going outside :)

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, im allergic to the SUN. THE SUN!

12:22 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

If it's a MOBILE Analytical Monitoring and Miniaturization Lab, why can't they just drive to different locations, maybe stop at a beach? And what do they drive around miniaturizing?

Heh heh, you said huge bulge.

7:33 AM  
Blogger FF said...

How can you be allergic to the sun?

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a legitimate condition, but not in my case.

10:48 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

that's a really cute anklet, kate!

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the new home in san diego

10:41 PM  

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