Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Official "Bead Hub" Post

After I started reading your comments last night, I got really excited. You guys are the best buddies in the world to indulge my blessing way necklace dreams. ^_^

I really liked Monstee's idea: "Do me have to juggle addresses too, or am Kate going to act as 'Hub' and do all mailing together? Me am Monstee! Me need clarity!!!"

Okay, so I guess it loses something when I quote him, because I just can't pull off Big Blue's attitude. But I'd be more than happy to serve as a hub for you guys.

Here's how I envision it working:

1. Each participant chooses and sends me 8 beads or charms (since we don't know how many people are participating yet). Choose ones that mean something to you or represent you. If you pick out a bead specifically for one person, let me know who it's for. Otherwise, I'll give everybody the same one.

2. Enclose a note explaining why you chose that bead.

3. I'll take the beads and charms, add spacers, and string them into a necklace (or bracelet, depending on the size of beads and number of participants). Then I'll send back the finished product, any left-over beads (if we have fewer than 8 people), plus copies of each others' notes about which bead is yours and why you chose it.

If you already have beads/charms or know of a local store, by all means, choose a few things and send them to me. If not, you can buy them online and ship them directly to my house. One of my favorite online sites is Fire Mountain Gems, which has an amazing selection. When I say amazing, I mean their paper catalog is nearly 1,000 pages ... with a 100-page addendum sent every three months.

I would not suggest you brave a bead show. Paul will attest to how crazy they can be, because I drag him with me three or four times a year. The photo above -- that's the typical scene at one booth at a bead show. It's fun ... but a little overwhelming at times.

If you're cool with this plan, drop me a note in the comments and I'll send you my address. Now I'm getting nervous. Don't let me down, ok?


Blogger Monstee said...

Hey Kate.... Hubba hubba!

It ok. Me already got you address. What kind of internet monster would me be if me not find it on me own?

2:59 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I totally miss out when I'm not on the internet for a few days.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Do you want in? I figured you in when I said 8 beads. :-)

4:53 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Man, I know what kind of bead I want (I think) but I don't know, if I can't find what I want here in Jax, how many friggin' beads come on one strand from the online store...

10:56 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I totally want in.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Grr: Awesome! :) Let me know when you've picked out beads and I'll send you the address.

SGG: Fire Mountain's bead per inch chart can be found here. Most of FMG's beads come in 16" strands ... so once you know how big the beads are (in millimeters), you can get an approximate count.

So what kind of deadline do you think we're looking at? Like a week? Two??

9:17 PM  

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