Thursday, August 04, 2005

Strong Tea vs. Strong Glue

Here's the worst idea ever: reflooring the office during office hours on a weekday.

It's part of a number of office renovations planned for the next month or so. Painter dude has become a fixture around here. Nice guy, and his painting hasn't really gotten in the way of us worker bees. As long as you don't lean on walls or run into doorways, you'll stay clean.

But floor dude came in today and put glue down everywhere. For most of the day, he left us an 18" unglued walkway along the wall as our only means of transport. This presented a number of problems:

(1.) There was a long leap into the women's bathroom.

(2.) Our 18-inch walkway didn't account for pillars and fire extinguishers, so our hallway became a veritable wall-hugging obstacle course.

(3.) The breakroom was off-limits, so those who wanted to use a microwave had to (a.) hug the wall to get to the fridge, navigate the 18-inch walkway to the back door of the building, walk around the building and in the front door, climb the stairs, use Chandler's microwave, then (juggling hot food) walk back down the stairs and out the front door, go around the building and in the back door, and once again navigate the hallway; or (b.) abandon that plan and go out to lunch.
The whole glue thing didn't upset me too much until I realized I couldn't get any sugar for my tea. So I decided to go out to lunch and stop at Walgreens for a box of sugar.

I went to Walgreens. I bought a headwrap, some makeup, and a box of Whoppers. I forgot the sugar.

When I came back, my Almond Biscotti tea was really really strong and bitter. (Bitter almonds? What cyanide? ::grins::) By this point, glue dude had laid a few tiles outside the breakroom (probably because hungry people needing the microwave were on the verge of mutiny). So I went in and got a big cup of sugar. Then I sealed it up and stuck it in my office for the next time somebody becomes glue-happy.


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