Saturday, August 27, 2005

The tease in the tee

This morning, on my way into work, I saw a near-wreck. Man, it was like watching a FOX TV special in real life. ::grins::

Here's how it went down: I'm at the intersection of Ghetto and Hood right next to the Criminal Justice Center (a.k.a. jail). The light's been yellow for a while. I don't try to make it across. The car in the lane next to me is four car-lengths back ... and he decides to gun it.

The light's been red for a good four seconds or so before he even hits the intersection so (1.) cross-traffic has started to move and (2.) a woman is crossing the street right in front of him. He swerves to miss her. Okay, cool. Then he's almost hit by the cross-traffic, so he swerves again, the right side of the car lifts off the ground, he's on the left two wheels, the other car swerves, and ... he makes it across.

I was really kind of pissed. We were right next to the jail, and there was no cop in sight.

It's at this point that I look up at the woman who's crossing the street and realize she's a prostitute (albeit a "classy prostitute" ... not some of the toothless wonders I've seen wandering other parts of the city). Then I notice she's wearing a gym shirt from my high school. It says SAINTS at the top and has room for you to write your name in Sharpie underneath it.

The bad part is not that a prostitute was wearing a shirt that said SAINTS on the front. The bad part is that I realized it fit her much better than it fit most of the people in my gym class. :-
Speaking of shirts, I don't think I've ever shared a picture of my editing shirt. It says "Weapon of Mass Correction." Pretty darn cute, huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


also, ghetto and hood, where is the GPS location for that, i would like to visit.

Also, i like the cut of your jibe, and would like suscribe to your newsletter.

Also, i used to work near ghetto and hood. The homies there were pretty awesome.

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, i would like to make another post.

also, i am ever so slightly, and i do mean slightly, ADD

also, yay, another post, we need post counts, so i can compare my e-penis to yours ^__________________________________________________^

1:48 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

There is a person on campus who still wears their elementary school gym shirt.

That is just sick, if you ask me.

12:10 PM  
Blogger De said...

This is one high school t-shirt I don't mind wearing.

11:08 PM  

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