Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Three random oddities

Three random links culled from my Bookmarks (which haven't been updated in a loooong time)...

(1.) Nails-a-lon.com ... a.k.a. "Women with horrible talons." My college piano teacher, Russ, instilled in me the importance of short nails. "If they're long," she'd tell me, "they just click-click-click on the keys." She didn't have much to worry about. I've never liked long nails.

But there are people out there who do. They hang out at Nails-A-Lon. They even have an annual nail get-together. I'm sure it's very ... scratchy. Frankly, the thought sends chills up my spine as I frantically search for the nail clippers.

(2.) The Flaming Fire Illustrated Bible. There are 36,665 verses in the Bible. And this site wants people to illustrate every one of them. It's a lofty goal — to date, they still lack over 30,000 verses. But every one counts.

Apparently, artistic ability is not a prerequisite for submission. (Or perhaps that artist just thought Jesus was a really angry guy.) Also, artists seem to be allowed to endorse products ... such as TraveLodge.

Anyway, the art ranges from beautiful to absurd, and it's an interesting look at how people perceive the Bible.

(3.) Star Wars: Fact Not Fiction ... Okay, every technogeek I know is intimately familiar with TimeCube. But, alas!, there are other wacky folks on the Internet. JAH is one of them.

I don't think I could paraphrase his work, so I'm just going to paste the first half of the run-on sentence which comprises the first paragraph: George Lucas quite naturally believes that he wrote "Starwars", when, in reality, he was told telepathically what to write in the original first three Episodes (4-6), by the very "Force" to which the films refer, and was "forced" to make only episodes 4-6, first ...

It gets wackier. Jedi is really code for "JEsus' DIsciple." Umm, yeah. Whatever you say.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

LOL @ #3. As a [i]Star Wars[/i] fan who is involved in some of its fandom sites, I've talked with all varieties, from the typical fans like me...

...to the fruitcakes like these people. I've talked with people who think "Sith" and "Jedi" should be religions.

Some of them probably believe there WAS a galaxy a long, long time ago and far, far away. And in reference to the looney sites...

...they are easy to find. We had significant difficulties with one on the Pod where I role play before. Apparently they wanted to "destroy" us. If you want a good laugh, ask me for the link to it.

And yes, these people ARE serious. Not sane, but definitely serious...

6:34 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

That #2 is great: Jesus is back, and he's PISSED!

2:28 PM  

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