Monday, August 15, 2005

Tie that one!

Bought a laptop from Tony (Tzi-Tzi ... ArsT profile; ArsC profile) last night.

His original message:
ok well here it is
  • p3 700mhz
  • 256MB of pc100 ram
  • a 20GB HDD
  • 2 batteries that seem to hold full charge
  • a 14 inch lcd with no dead pixels and great brightness
  • a dvd drive and a floppy disk drive
  • and 2 power cables for it.
I replaced the motherboard a little bit back, and all the connections feel pretty solid and it runs great, as I'm using it now.
only thing is I'm running linux on it since I don't have a license for windows for it. other than that it seems to run great and has for the last 2 years that I've had it ... (and then more info followed)
He forgot to mention it's also got a Netgear G wireless card and VGA port. And since we didn't bother to haggle down the price at all, he talked his wife into tossing in the laptop bag, too. ::grins:: And, if for some reason it's DOA, he promised to refund the money and pay for shipping back to him.

He shipped the lappy FedEx two-day, so I'm having fun tracking it onine on its journey to Memphis. It's in Illinois now. It'll be here Wednesday.

He's got good Beerology and Heatware feedback (for you uninitiated, those are the technogeek versions of the eBay Feedback Forum.

Of course, I'm having morning-after purchase guilt, but it was a really awesome price and he's trusted among the ArsC crew.

Plus, we really needed something to replace our lappy. The right side of the keyboard (specifically, the letters I, O, P, J, K, L, N, M and the comma and period) no longer worked. My name on that keyboard reads: ese ate se ... which, when translated from Spanish, roughly means: Tie that one!

And now you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lolol, patches was mad and confusded while i was reading the post, probably because she doesnt have any thumbs and can't tie shoes.

I would be mad too.
Patches for el presidente!

10:08 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Thumbs am overateed! You be amazed what person do with oversized opposable dew claw!

Hey! Me am Monstee! On you old laptop, it say... "e a stee!" What THAT mean in other language?

8:25 AM  
Blogger De said...

And now you know.

And knowing is half the battle!

10:18 AM  

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